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Post new topic   This topic is locked: you cannot edit posts or make replies.    Arigatou Anime Forum Index -> Requests
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Site Admin
Joined: 2006-12-17
Posts: 1455
Post 2007-06-01 15:03 [Quote] 

1. Provide as much information as you can about the series/movie/ova you are requesting. That means as MUCH information as POSSIBLE! A small paragraph about the show, or copy and pasted from something else but something nonetheless! Just a link will get the post locked and your request most likely denied!. A wiki link doesn't count either.

2. Provide a link to Anidb/ANN or another website that has info on what your requesting.

3. Due to the volume of series we are doing we may not be able to fill all requests we will try our best to.

4. Multiple requests please use a separate post for each. Double posting does not increase your chances of getting your request accepted, One request is good enough, someone will reply to it. We might not reply. But we still look at all the requests.

5a. If you need information about delayed series that we are doing please post in the Help and Support section . Posting in the requests section is fine but use [INFO] and not [REQ] as you are only asking for information. Not making a series request. Please only post one topic only for each [INFO] request.

5b. Please check the forum for any information on the status of current series. Do not request it again. This also apply's for current requests. If you have a question about a locked topic PM me on the forum or on IRC. Please don't have multiple requests topics open.


*updated June 15th, 2010 by Kaugustino
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